Thursday, August 25, 2005

High Season

It's nearly over, soon most of the tourists will be gone. Next come the leaf-peepers. Here are some of my favorite beach/tourist photos of the summer

golf at the beach - life is good!

dancing with her shadow - the most creative kid I've seen at the beach all summer

triplets and triangles

the coolest kite I saw all summer

surf and sky

fishing at dusk

you got to go where the market is, and all of these folks are barefoot!

"gim'me 2 steps, gimme 2 steps mister...gimme 2 steps --towards that shore"

I say we you put that same amount into a high risk venture market, then l'll be able to drive to college in a Porsche!

sunset - yeah, again

gone fishin', or swimmin' or walkin'

evening beach sky

sunset beach run

the boat is always bigger on the other side of the dock

artistry in sand and on the wind

cottages large and small

keeping a close eye on the opponents bocce ball toss

hanging in the beach 'hood w/ the natives

Monday, August 01, 2005

only a 3 hour drive from the ocean...

the days menu

determination + opportunity = growth and success

green mountains majesty

tiny, tiny, tiny

another piece of the trail

Most of the trail followed an old railroad bed, left from the days when the mountains were clear cut

the cycle of growth

so many greens

natural havoc, new opportunities for growth

just a turn of the head and open eyes yields such treats

I would love to have been a witness to this event!

natural sculpture

a sweaty hiker's reward - the center of this basin, wide enough to stand in, was 5' deep!

pieces parts of the Falls

approaching Franconia Falls

Franconia Falls, London NH

the path

the destination

Going in for the big splash

a quieter pool

the trail into Black Pond

absolutely the only sound was the bugs buzzing, a rare and sacred freedom from human noise

the rarity of utter and complete silence - we found it here

it's all in the details

the walk out