"Experts Warn of Intelligence Confusion"
Honest to god - that was a headline I just found on my Excite home page. What an oxymoron. Even funnier is that I just went back to check it's wire affiliation and it was gone! Not even listed in the sidebar inventory of recent stories. Hopefully someone realized the lunacy and pulled.
Lunacy seemed to be the theme of news, more so than usual. Two other stories were both about Supreme Court rulings: Title IX sports and medical marijuana. Something on the seperation of church and state would have rounded out the news day nicely.
Similarily, an article in last week's NYTs about a doctor that specializes in the physiological and psychological treatment of intrasex children - children born with ambiguous genital definition.
The predominant treatment for these children in the past was to surgically tweak the pieces parts one way or the other and raise the child according to the gender of what was most leftover. What part of the x and y chromosome genetics lecture did those fools miss? Why did they ever think that surgery and surroundings would top basic biology?!
Like my brother says "You can't fix stupid." My addendum to that is "I can handle crazy, but stupid pisses me off." And I spend a lot of energy these days trying not to be pissed off.
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